Celebrations of Life
Time to Offer the Story of a Much Loved Life
Funerals & Celebrations of Life
Funerals cause us all to think about life. We live and we die...it is inevitable. And upon our death we should hope there will be a time where all who loved us gather for a time of remembrance
And it is a time to grieve...not necessarily the beginning nor the end, but a step in the path
Grief and Grieving
There is no standard plan for how you will experience the pain of loss. It is okay to cry and it is okay to laugh. It is okay to be angry at your loss and it is okay to be happy. A funeral or celebration of a life well lived is an important step in the grieving process
Nondenominational ~ Spiritual ~ Religious
A moment to remember your loved one needs to acknowledge who they were and reflect their beliefs, a moment to acknowledge their life and the importance of their life well lived